Saturday, March 22, 2025


This is a portarit of the Afghan ambassador in Vienna, Manizha Bakhtari, who remains the country's only female ambassador since the Taliban's takeover.

This is a solid portrait of a woman doing what she feels is right under an incredibly difficult situation, she works for a regeime that very much wants to shut out women from public life. She has used her position to help Afghan women and girls continue to be educated, despite the Taliban ban on their going to school.

This is an eye opening film in a lot of ways. You would think that with all the problems the Taliban has created (she was appointed prior to their take over) that she would have walked away, but she is trying to do the right thing and make a difference. 

Watching the film is a bitter sweet affair. While you will take Bakhtari into your heart, you will hurt from the problems she faces and the impossible situations she has to deal with. She truly is a hero.


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