Asri and Hasan meet after work in the park and discuss life and things as the sun goes down.
This film shouldn't work as well as it does. It's a film that is basic a series of long static shots from a good distance away from the film's subjects, but it is so perfectly done the film puts us in the park where we are over hearing a long conversation or series of conversations between two people. We are there just listening to to people discuss life in a film that, for most of it's running time feels like life.(only when the film shifts to the lighted booth does it feel contrived).
The film is a blending of fact and fiction. I would be hard pressed to know what is or isn't real. Yes the set up is essentially fake, but at the same time I couldn't tell you where the lines between fact and fiction are. I was fully focused on the screen the whole time because the discussion was more than just eavsdropping.
While this may not work for you if you need constant motion on screen, this film is recommended for anyone who wants good discussions.
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