Sunday, March 23, 2025

Girls and Gods (2025) CPH:DOX 2025

Portrait of Inna Shevchenko as she takes on the main stream view of religion and the misogyny it contains and ponders if there is a better way to move toward spirituality. 

This is a film that is going to sting a lot of people. Feminist Shevchenko is very straight forward and never backs down. Her view toward religion is a decidely anti-status quo one that will get on the nerves of many of the devoted followers of the various religions. She sees most beleif systems very anti- female. She also thinks that there is perhaps a better way, that isn't one of the choices with a hairy male comic thunderer at the center.

I don't think she's wrong, her point was argued by Nina Paley in her film SEDER-MASOCHISM a film that looked at being Jewish and that religion's notion of god via a conversation with her father. It was a film that very gently and very convincingly made similar points that got  people I know who saw that film thinking about how they view god.

As for this film points are made but I don't know how much will stick since this is not so much a discussion but a emotion fueled rallying cry by Shevchenko. It's a film that has one view point which it hammers away at over and over again. There is no real discussion or argument, more it's a statement of facts or it's an exploraion of a mindset, so there is nothing to engage because of it. This feels like a lecture or a polemic rather than anything else. The problem is that with anything like this is that you have a limited time before you lose the audience beyond the converted (and even then they can grow tired too).

I'm not saying that she 's wrong, only that after 105 minutes I felt the worng sort of worn down. 

Should you see the film? That depends upon your own point of view. While I agree with Shevchenko I don't feel the need to be lectured again.

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