Thursday, March 6, 2025

Empire (2024)

The alien empires of the  One and Zero are battling for supremacy in a small town in France.  Some of the villagers have taken over the body of the locals and are mixed up in the plans involving the birth of a child who could unite the galaxy.

Billed as a zany off kilter comedy, this is more a low key off kilter  smile producer. It’s a science fiction film with a minimum of fancy scifi images. It’s also a satire of religion and Star Wars.

How you react to the film is very much going to depend upon how, or if, you connect with the low key dry humor with flashes of silliness. For me the dryness was a bit too arid. I did smile a great deal but I didn’t  completely connect.

Is it worth seeing? Yes absolutely. There is enough here that makes the film stand out, it is nothing else unlike almost every other science fiction film out there right now, that it’s worth a look.

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