Sunday, March 16, 2025

A Pause

 I mentioned a week or so ago I was running behind in my posting. The good news is I've kind of caught up.

The bad news is that getting there, coupled with couple of slates full ofilms that left me wondering "why am I still watching this crap" and watching the souless corporate disaster ELECTRIC STATE have made me need to step back. I need to step away from the steady diet of PR prepared cinematic choices. I need to watch more movies for me for a while.

Yes I will review the New Directors Titles I have and I will finish the other titles I requested (many of which I genuinely am interested in) but I taking a break and mostly doing me movies

What this means is after this week and into early April look for the quantity of pieces to fall. Hopefully the quality will go back up because there are a couple of up coming pieces that I cobbled together from hope and bullshit. The feeling positive or negative is genuine, but the pieces should have been just two sentences long not several paragraphs.

Now to begin to do fun stuff and look at Matt's list of titles so we can try this podcast thing again

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