This is the story of a mother who is trying to find out what happened to her son in Nuevo Laredo on the Texas border. It is a story that involves coverups by both the American and Mexican governments.
The short version of the story is that when the leader of the drug cartel that controled Nuevo Laredo was removed a vacuum was created. Federal police were put in place. While they were supposed to be keeping the peace people started to disappear, some turning up dead. The problems were the result of deals made between the the Mexican and US governments to get control of the border area.
This is a good film on an important subject. The whole notion of trouble in the border region between the US and Mexico is ahot topic thanks to the current adminstration, but as this film makes clear the issues are neiher nothing new nor as simple as the current bunch of authorities are making out. By focusing on the plight of one family the film allows us to get glimpse at the problems happening on a larger scale. It also allows us to emotionally connect to what is happening, as opposed to a cold and impersonal TV news broadcast.
This is a solid film and i recommended.
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