Wednesday, October 16, 2024

I Will Never Leave You Alone (2024) opens Friday

I WILL NEVER LEAVE  YOU ALONE is one of the best films at Popcorn Frights and one of the great discoveries of 2024. A small scale, seemingly run of the mill horror film which ups the chills by degrees as it goes.

The plot has Richard getting out of prison. He is gets what he thinks is a cushy care taker job, but is something else entirely. His job is to stay in houses where people died and perform ceremonies that will cleanse the house of evil spirits. It doesn’t help that his boss is a bit crazy and that there is witch tree in the back with a witch supposedly buried under it…it all goes wrong as he is locked into the house.

It gets worse.

Watching the film I was just kind of going along thinking this was just going to be the run of the mill sort of thing, and then it started to go side ways and I started muttering to no one in particular. “That’s messed up” was definitely said a couple of times.

Brilliantly made the film turns things on their head by having a lot of the scary stuff in the day light. The monsters are not in the dark hidden by shadows but right there in front of us. It makes the shadows even more scary. Frankly there are images in this film which will haunt my dreams (the ones that made me mutter “that’s messed up”

If you love horror films you have to see this. Even if you don’t love it like I do I think you will enjoy that joyous fact it isn’t a retread of every other horror film out there.

Highly recommended.

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