Tuesday, October 8, 2024

GRAND TOUR (2024) NYFF 2024

NYFF frequent flier Miguel Gomes returns with GRAND TOUR with the story of a British diplomat who flees the fiance he hasn't seen in 7 year by touring Asia. First we see his flight and then her pursuit.

Lots of great travel footage is wasted in a two part tale that never really works. The problem is the split tale. The tale of the diplomat is intriguing for a about ten minutes, until you realize that we know , and will know nothing about him at all. He is entirely a cipher. Well we know he's a diplomat and has a fiance, but that's all. Everything we learn is via voice over narration which doesn't remotely fill in the missing material.

The second half of the film is the quest of Molly, the fiance to see the man she loves. Actually beyond trying to marry him, she has something to tell him. While this portion explains much we didn't know about in the first part, the story still seems fragmentary. Too many details are given us by voice over. While the second half  made me curious how it was going to play out for Molly ultimately I found this journey was a waste of my time.

Not recommended

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