Monday, October 21, 2024

Conclave (2024)

Ralph Fiennes plays a cardinal who has to run the conclave to elect a new pope. However things don’t run smooth as there are implications of impropriety from some of the candidates, terrorists outside and cardinal that no one ever heard of before.

Gorgeous looking thriller about a bunch of guys locked up together the film is almost certain to get lots of Oscar nominations in various categories. While I am uncertain about a Best Picture nomination I can see noms in every other category. It really is that good with only two minor flaws.

I just loved this film pretty much from start to finish. It’s so nice to see an adult film that doesn’t try to pander for awards, and which uses everything at it’s disposal to tell a really good tale. Watching the film I was struck by how this film should have been in 70mm because the widescreen images it presents are just so spectacular. (Yes this is a knock at The Brualist)

What surprised me is was how devout the film is. The talk of belief and what is right, of doubt , of mistakes and all of that absolutely blew me away. To be certain they are small moments of pure spiritual wonder but the message is clear and fleshed out enough that we believe that god has a hand in it.

As good as the film is there are two minor burps in the telling. The first is that some of the actors don’t quite disappear into their roles. John Lithgow is good but there isn’t enough there for there to be shading and Stanley Tucci’s character can be a tad one note. He recovers toward the end but I wish he had a bit more to do.. The other minor flaw is that at a certain point you know how this is going to go. It’s not fatal, but its makes the oh wow moment a bit too early.

I loved this film a great deal and I can’t wait to go again.


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