Friday, September 6, 2024

Wineville (2023) hits VOD Tuesday

When I was asked to take a look at WINEVILLE, I was in the middle of any number of big festivals. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to fit it in, but the film was described as a throw back to the horror films of the 1970’s and I figured, why not. Additionally I was seeing a number of 1970’s set films that were hitting all over their targets so I decided to give it a go.

The film has a single mother and her son returning home to the family vineyard following the death of her father. She does not want to deal with the past and has to come to grips with the darkness of the past.  Arriving she finds that her stern aunt and the young man who helps out are running the vineyard and are wondering about the future. As the mother ponders what to do with the land weird things and disappearances begin to occur.

This is a glorious throwback to 1970’s horror of the sort that filled drive ins and grindhouse theaters before Halloween and the slasher trend changed the face of horror. This was a time before we were just getting a catalog of mindless kills and instead had plot driven suspense. This a film where plot matters and the moves of each character drive the plot.  This is not  about the kills but about everything else and as a result we are better for it.

This film is just a great deal of fun.  It’s a film that is a perfect reflection of the films it is copying. It doesn’t mess with the form, it simply replicates the rhythms  with the result we have a film that has some chills. While it isn’t perfect, that’s quite alright since the source films weren’t either.

If you love old school drive in fare you should make an effort to see this.

This is the perfect film to watch on a rainy night with popcorn and a beverage of choice. 

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