Friday, September 20, 2024

We Will Dance Again (2024)

A look at the October 6 attack in Israel told by the survivors and the footage that was shot that day.

First up I’m not going to get into the politics of this. The sheer loss of life and the brutality of the attack trump any thought of the amorphous and intellectual notions of the Israel/Palestine conflict. By the standard of any living and breathing human with any shred of moral decency it was an horrific sequence of events that simply proves that too many people think violence will solve problems.

As a film documenting the events that played out one morning in October this film is a punch in the face. It doesn’t matter which side you are on, or think you’re on, the film will make you truly consider the cost of violence. Made up of footage shot by the victims as well as by the attackers, WE WILL DANCE AGAIN never looks away. We see it all, from the end of the over night rave which stopped when the missiles were seen in the sky, to the attacks where few were left alive onward to the aftermath. It’s all here and I’m certain you will look away.

Yes the footage is choppy at times. Considering how it was shot, it’s amazing that any of it survives. The images will burn into your brain. Strangely the most problematic is the footage from Hamas which was shot via body cams and so is very unsteady. That’s probably a good thing since we don’t need to see all the death and destruction.

While not for all audiences those wanting to know what happened that day will end up well informed. 

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