Saturday, September 14, 2024


Latest entry in the Netflix UNTOLD series. This time it focuses on Conner Stallions who was the focus point of the Michigan sign stealing scandal. It seems that the ever top of the heap THE Ohio University gave the NCAA all the information to get Stallions pitched....

...but as the film makes clear while there are some questions as to what exactly happened, Stallions was so obsessive that he had worked out a lot of the signs on his own. Additional Coach Harbaugh revitalized the team and even when both Stallions and Harbaugh were gone, the Michigan team still won.

One of the really good UNTOLD films, it wonderfully brings us into a story and shows us a bunch of things we didn't realize we didn't know. Yea some of what Stallions did was hinky, but it wasn't as bad as the NCAA made out.

I had a good time.


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