Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Ties That Bind (2024) Venice 2024

This film has unexpected become one of my favorites of  2024. The story of how a group of people come together to form a family is just heart warming and moving and wise beyond words.

The plot of the film begins when a young boy is left by the his parents with a neighbor. They have to rush to the hospital because the mom's water has broken. When the father returns the next day tragedy has struck. The baby is fine, but the mother has died. Over the course of the film two years pass, marked by the age of the baby, we watch as the father, the son and the neighbor come to terms with the situation.

Before I say anything else I have to say that this isn't a romance. This isn't a film that goes as you expect. It';s a film that is messy and real and very human.

What makes the film work are the performances. Everyone inhabits their characters. They are so perfect that you are with them from the very first frame until the very last.  And then the end credits rolled I groaned because I couldn't spend more time with everyone.

I love this film to death.

I'm not certain its technically one of the best films of 2024 but everyone on screen makes it one of my absolute favorites.

Highly recommended.

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