Friday, September 6, 2024

The Witness (2024) Venice 2024

A woman sees a politically connected man kill his wife, a dance instructor. However because of his connection the cops they won’t do anything. Will she give up or search for justice.

Damning portrait of Iranian society is a long pained scream. This is a film where men  are constantly complaining about how the women can’t do anything without their say lest it ruin their standing. Women are abused and literally killed because they are less then men. This is a film that shows just how stacked against women Iranian justice is.

Unfortunately THE WITNESS is so set on making it’s point that that film slips from compelling drama into being a polemic. This is a film that very much wants to make it’s point and it does so loudly, repeatedly. After a while I kind of tuned out as the filmmakers didn’t make their points but yelled them at me at volume.

And then strangely the final scene came…and I was completely shocked. I’m not going to say what happens but the ending sequence is truly one of the greatest endings of the last decade. It is so unexpected and note perfect  that it makes watching the rest of the film worth it. I don’t know if it’s remotely realistic but god damn it is emotionally dead on.

It really is a stunner.

If you want to see a great ending and get really pissed off at Iran I recommend THE WITNESS

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