Monday, September 16, 2024

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (2024)

Jim Broadbent plays a retired bar owner who is living quietly with his wife. He gets a note from Queenie, a former employee who is dying. Uncertain of what to do he writes a letter, but instead of sending decides to walk across England in the hope of saving her. This kicks up unresolved thoughts between himself and his wife, forces him to deal with the death of his sone and touch the lives of people he meets along the way.

Based on a novel that’s based on a radio play, THE UNLIKELY PILGRAMAGE is very much a contrived film. You will have a reasonably good idea of how some of it will play out…. And yet Jim Broadbent and the cast will kick your ass. Broadbent proves, yet again he is one of the best actors ever.

I was left a weeping mess at the end. The bittersweet emotion expressed was spot on. I could feel it running off the screen and on to the floor. Additionally what happens over the course of  the wasn’t wholly what I expected,  the ending isn’t as telegraphed as I thought with the result I was surprised and delighted.

I loved this film. It’s the sort of small gem that I set up Unseen Films to talk about. It’s a deeply emotional film that really makes you feel and forces you to get in touch with your soul instead of going gee whiz thanks to flashy presentation.

Highly recommended.

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