Friday, September 6, 2024

Space Cowboy (2024) Toronto 2024

This is a look at cinematographer Joe Jennings who makes his living by throwing things, like living room sets and cars, out of planes and shooting footage as it falls to earth.

To really appreciate this film its best to see this on a big screen so that Jennings images can overwhelm you.  The thought of seeing all of the sky diving footage on a truly big screen is truly compelling…

…largely because it will overpower the rather run of the mill story telling of the whole affair. Don’t get me wrong this is a good story with lots of great images, but the director doesn’t really do anything with it. He thinks that the images will carry the film, and they largely do, but after a while there is only so many images of flying cars and things that shouldn’t be falling from the sky before the novelty wears off and you are forced to ponder if there is anything here. It’s too much of the same thing.

While not bad, a little goes along way.

Worth a look on a big theater screen. Less so on TV

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