Sunday, September 8, 2024

Querido Tropico (2024) TIFF 2024 San Sebastian Film Festival 2024

In Panama a caregiver for the elderly takes a job working for a rich family in order to care for the matriarch who is slipping away with Alzheimer’s.

I am not going to lie an say we haven’t seen this story before. We have, but that’s okay. The reasons that it’s okay, actually much more than okay are the performances of the cast, particularly Paulina Garcia and Jenny Navarette who set this film way above most other films of this sort.  These are performances for the ages.

What makes this film work is that this is a film where the performances take what is said and amplify it. Sure we can see what is happening and the bond that forms between the women. However at the same time it’s the small things, the tiny gestures, the looks, a shift in posture or a change in walk that says so much. A late in the game thank you is crushing, not for what is said but for the welling up of tears in the eyes. Nothing is said but the depth of emotion damn near broke me.

If there is justice this film  will result in the leads winning many many awards.

This is as good as film acting gets.

Highly recommended.

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