Sunday, September 1, 2024

Nightcap 9/1/24: Don Hertzfeldt's ME and A Sunday Rant:Fanboys

 I am officially credentialed for the New York Film Festival.

Expect mayhem...largely because I can't get to everything I want to see.


As coverage of the Venice Film Fest continues, we are going to be sliding right into TIFF. There are some great films at both of those fests so keep reading.


Trying to write up Don Hertzfeldt's new film ME but he made a film I simply can not describe or find words to do it justice to in a review. It's a one of a kind marriage of music &image with a "narrative" of dream logic that is wickedly cool. 

The film was originally made as a music video for a rock group but the project fell apart and Hertzfeldt had to put new music to it- not that you'd ever know or care because the film works so wonderfully on it's own terms.

See it in a theater with big  image and bigger sound


Spending time on Twitter the last few weeks, I find my tolerance for fanboys has diminished. I'm annoyed enough to pull out something I wrote two years ago and never published.

I kind of wish we could do away with basements so that we could force all the fanboys out into the light of day and force them to reconnect with reality. If not could we,at the very least ,fill the basements in with cement while  the people living there quietly sleep. 

I'm sorry I hate fanboys.

I mean I’m truly tired of these entitled pissants whining and complaining about meaningless shit in order to get their own way about another big Hollywood blockbuster. What sort of life of entitlement do they have that they can sit in a dark corner of their parents home and decide what is and is not a good  film? More to the point how myopic are they that they can only see the narrowness of their obsessions and nothing else? They do realize that there are other things out there that are worth seeing and discussing rather than the latest  MCU, Star Wars, Fast and the Furious or what ever over hyped and produced film Hollywood has made them think is THE GREATEST THING EVER.

More importantly  these nimrods do understand that if the were really that keyed into things that they would be working for the studios.

While I love and obsess over films I don’t just do it about one film or one franchise or one type of film. I know there is more to life than, say just Star Wars. I mean I’m not deranged enough to be out there formulating fake trailers and putting up YouTube posts about what is going to happen in the next film in a series when it hasn’t even started filming yet (I’m looking at you Godzilla and Dr Who fans). I mean there are people who will do a 45 minute You Tube video about what is going on in the next film in a series that hasn't even been green lit yet. These are the same people who will do an hours long break down of a two minute trailer showcasing all the Easter Eggs that may or may not be there

And as bad as  the deranged fans are, the studios are worse. They are like these kids parents, who have given the little turds whatever they want so they will shut up. I mean the studio listening to the fanboys effectively killed the Star Wars Franchise because they ended up making films that ultimately pleased no one and had no creative vision. They are so afraid of what the fans will do, they do things half-assed and change their plans based on a whim. As much as I hate the prequel trilogy they at least has a narrative through line where the most recent trilogy  had a decent first entry and then a total mess for the next two since they changed visions  and directions with each of the following films because there were complaints.

And were the fan boys happy- oh hell no. They were upset that the new films weren’t what they wanted. How is it that they demand that that they want to see their chosen directors' or gods' vision and then turn on it when it isn't their vision. Personally  if they want to see their vision on screen they should make their own films.   Of course they won't because it would require them to actually do more than pontificate. It's so much easier to stay at a computer and complain about whats wrong than it is to create. 

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