Saturday, September 7, 2024

MR K (2024) Toronto 2024


Crispin Glover gives a surprisingly affecting performance as a magician who ends up trapped in a hotel from which he cannot leave.

This is a great looking film which contains some great performances. It’s a film which moved me and caused me to lean in because not only does Glover give one of his best performances, but also because the film gives us some truly magical moments. It’s a film where the  filmmakers move us a long in a typical Kafka-esque way misleading us in some way or another , only to drop a truth bomb or show us a fleeting bit of magic that suddenly make us see the world and the film in an entirely new way.

What is killing me is that I so want to tell you what all the little great bits are, but at the same time I don’t want to point out what I think you should be seeing. I mean if we were traveling to a place of wonder I wouldn’t spoil the scenery for you.

It is appropriate that the main character is a magician because there is so much magic and wonder in MR K.

This is great example of what movies can do in the hands of a master filmmaker.


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