Sunday, September 1, 2024

Familia (2024) Venice 2024

This is a heavy look at a family broken by an abusive patriarch and how the sins of the father infect his son and future generations.

I’m not going to say a great deal about FAMILIA because I don’t want to be in the headspace it creates. I have a day job in the legal field and I see this sort of tale play out on a daily basis. While I can keep a wall up in order to do the job that pay the bills, FAMILIA kicks the walls down and makes us feel just as abused as the people on the screen.

The story starts as a matriarch attempts to cut the connections to her abusive husband who is getting out of prison after  a long stint. He abused her and everyone else and she wants nothing to so with him. Unfortunately he gets back with the family. Over time her son gets in with a bunch of skinheads who want him to be part of their criminal plans.

This is hands down one of the best films I’ve seen at Venice. It’s a raw and real film that leaves welts on our psyche. Watching the film I was shocked that it hadn’t been picked up by some of the other big fall festivals because it is a film that not only is a down and dirty  emotional one, but is also a film that forces us to think about a lot of different subjects.

One of the great films of the year, you need to see this ASAP.

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