Wednesday, September 25, 2024

EBONY AND IVORY (2024) Fantastic Fest 2024

EBONY AND IVORY is either going to double you over in laughter or it’s going to make you want to get up and go home. It all depends on your personal sense of humor.

The film is nominally the story of Michael Jackson going to visit Paul McCartney in Scotland and what might have happened had the meeting went this way.

The film is the work of director Jim Hosking  whose previous films like The Greasy Strangler, whose work is one of a kind. That is not meant to be a knock, more that Hosking is a director  who has his own view of the world and of cinema and it doesn’t play well for everyone.

I was amused by this film, as I was with STRANGLER, but I’m not a huge fan. The film is a bit too deadpan at times for my taste, and I wasn’t in love with Hosking’s use of long sequences of silence (for example the film opens with McCartney standing on a beach watching Jackson row in a boat and he whips back and forth between the two in a much too long sequence.). Yes some of the low brow humor hits and dome doesn’t, and I was a short time into the film when I realized that I didn’t know how to review it because this film is such a silly deadpan film that personal opinion going to be the determining factor if someone likes it. One simply can’t be objective regarding how this plays only subjective.

Worth a look who like bent humor

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