Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cheat (2024)

A woman begins an affair to fill the hole in her marriage. However she made a bad choice and soon finds herself in danger and fighting for her life.

This is a good little thriller  that holds our interest by taking a few extra twists and turns with things. I mention this because erotic thrillers of this sort  have been done to death over the years and its nice when you get one where  a twist are two are not anything that you can see coming. Sure you’ll see some of this coming way ahead of the  characters but at the same time you probably won’t see them all.

To be honest while I like these sort of thrillers when they are done right, I don’t often a lot to say about them because I tend to use them as palate cleanse after I’ve been watching weightier stuff. In the current  case this was the cleanse after Venice and TIFF.

I had a good time with CHEAT and if you like these small scale thrillers with a nasty edge, I recommend you take a look,

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