Friday, September 13, 2024

Brief Thoughts on Your Tomorrow (2024) Toronto 2024

Portrait of Ontario Place, which is a public space  that looks like an amusement park. When it was created it was a happening place where everyone went to get away. Over time people drifted away. The film charts the space over 100 days as an effort is made to redevelop the property as a private spa and water park.

This is a good observational doc that is probably going to play best for those who know of the Ontario Place going in. I say this because the film is largely observational so we are mostly left to get the context of the park from the bits we pick up.  As some one who knew nothing going in I enjoyed the film on some levels, but because I am not from Ontario I never could grasp the larger context of the place or what was happening. Everything remained isolated.

Worth a look for those interested.

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