Friday, September 20, 2024

Apartment 7A (2024) or they remade Rosemary's Baby via Suspiria Fantastic Fest 2024

Prequel to ROSEMARY'S BABY is basically the same story but refashioned so that it's a bout a single dancer who is injured, moves into the building, and has her career get a boost. Unfortunately she finds herself pregnant with the devils son.

I completely understand why this film has taken years to show up, it's not very good. It's a film that remakes the original, melds in musical/dance sequences that remind one of a less out there SUSPIRIA, is almost entirely shot with the same framing of our heroine center frame from the waste up,  and contains Dianne Wiest's worst performance as she channels the spirit of Ruth Gordon through a broken Ouiji board.

How did this get made? Nay how did it get released...

...okay it's not terrible even if many of the performances and the costuming is. And yes the demon is cool and the film briefly finds it's own voice in the last 20 minutes, so if some one saw those two things, I could see them sending it out into the world with a big push... but any horror lover is just going to balk and wonder why.

And while not terrible its so been there done that that I tuned out and was wondering when it was going to get to the good stuff or end... 

And in the end I can't recommend it

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