Wednesday, September 11, 2024

ANYWHERE ANYTIME(2024) Toronto 2024

Illegal immigrant  loses his job working in a market. He takes a job working as a bicycle delivery person using the identity of a friend. His bike gets stolen and he has to scramble.

Driven by one of the best scores I’ve heard this year, it seems to be primarily jazz but it mixes in other styles, this little drama was not one I was certain I was going to like. I’ve seen three other seeming variations on the BICYCLE THIEVES in the last few months and another one was not on my list of things I wanted to see.  Fortunately like two of the three earlier versions this film stakes its place as its own wonderous thing.  Helped not only by the score but a great cast and most importantly a sense of life and of place ANYTIME moves at it’s own pace and pulls us in.  Sure we have seen similar tales before, but director Milad Tangshir​ very forcefully makes the case that we haven’t seen this tale with these people and we had better sit up and pay attention.

This film is a stunner. One of the best at TIFF.

Highly recommended when it plays near you.

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