Sunday, September 8, 2024

A pointer toward There WIll Be Dust (2024) Toronto 2024

This is a pointer toward THERE WILL BE DUST. It's only a pointer because the subject matter and it's handling were not remotely anything I would have willingly watched. I say this because I have unprocessed issues with the death of my dad.

THERE WILL BE DUST is the story of an older couple toward the end of the of their lives. When she is diagnosed with a terminal condition the couple decides to travel to Switzerland where they will end their days together. It is never really maudlin, and is frequently funny. And if I didn't have personal baggage I think I would have really liked this.

Sadly the personal has put a wall up between myself and the film.

Don't let my issues stop you from seeing this. It raises some important issues and it has some great performances.

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