Tuesday, August 13, 2024

VOIDCALLER (2024) Popcorn Frights

Weird and eerie black and white horror film really should be seen in the dark with no distractions. This is a film that exudes a vibe that is going to work best when we are sitting in a dark room and being forced to commune with it. It is very much akin to ERASERHEAD which plays one way when you see at midnight in a theater when you are too tired for words and another when you are sitting in a living room. This is a film that needs to have you be one with the dark.

The plot of the film concerns a bunch of people who seem to have woken up not knowing who they are or where they are. Their loved ones are worried. It may have something to do with some other strange occurrences. As they try and sort our what exactly happened they occasionally find warning left by themselves not to lok too closely for answers.

Glorious head trip film is going to work if you just give yourself over to it. It’s a film that is going where ever the hell it wants to and you can jump in and go for the ride or fight it and get road rash.

You want to see this little gem. Perhaps it gets bumpy in the end, but it’s still a hell of a rife. Recommended

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