Friday, August 9, 2024

Videoteka (2024) Popcorn Frights 2024

VIDEOTEKA frustrates me.

This is a beautifully made anthology horror film with mood and atmosphere to burn that doesn’t manage to stick any of the four tales landings.

The premise of the film is that a robbery goes down and one of the robbers breaks into an abanfoned old school VHS video store to hide out. He decides to put on a tape to pass the time. He finished the film and then tries to leave only to find a car has been parked against the door to the shop. He then watches another film and then another.

The first film (BALANAR) concern a man during medieval times calling on the gods, the second (DUBAI) concerns a soccer player and youth, and the third involves a prophecy…. And I apologize for not being more detailed on the third film (THE PROPHECIES OF KUPRES) because my interest started to wane just about the time the film started. It waned because I didn’t want to get invested in a story that wouldn’t end.

The problem with all of VIDEOTEKA is that a great deal isn’t said. Everything is geared toward mood and the occasional shock. There isn’t a great deal put into the actual stories with the result that all of them  get to a certain point and just stop. Well they end, but the ending leaves you wondering “why are you ending here?” None of the endings felt like endings, or at least satisfying ones. Even the ending of the wrap around story is disappointing. (I want to tell you what is but I can’t take away the way the ending will make you scream WTF)

I was so locked and loaded for the film during the first videotape. The film builds and builds toward something. The girl with white eyes screams are chilling….and then the film stops. And so does the momentum of the film. After that I could feel the progression play over and over again in the remaining two tapes and the wrap around. Worse you see  turns that make no sense- the whole car in front of the video store door being the most glaring.

Don’t get me wrong, there is some great stuff here, the stories all work up to a certain point, the problem none of them conclude satisfyingly.

While things on screen don’t make a lot of sense, the release plans for the film are a bit of a head scratcher as well.  Before I realized that the film is making a world premiere at Popcorn Frights I went searching for information on the film, particular for a clue that I missed something with the endings of the tales. What I discovered is that there are two versions of the film, one for the local audience and one for the international one. The local version removes the first story, which  really shocks me because that is the best of the bunch- it may not end well but it throws up some absolutely chilling images- some of which have truly haunted my dreams since I saw the film.(The girl with white eyes is the reason to see this film).

Should you see the film?

If you can accept that this is a flawed film with some wonderful pieces I think you should give it a go. Just understand you are going to have issues with it, but at the same time bits of it are going to stay with you no matter how hard you try to forget them.

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