Monday, August 19, 2024

To Kill A Wolf (2024) Edinburgh 2024

There are a lot of films about how people running from things who come together and heal. It's a whole subgenre and frequently you know how it's all going to play out. The trick to making a film in the genre is to give us characters we love and enough coloring that we don't care about the framework because we are lost in the details.

TO KILL A WOLF is so good, er great, that we don't notice the framework or the characters or the details, but rather we are lost in the lives of the people on screen.

After Dani runs away from home she ends up in the forest where she meets a woodsman. The woodsman agrees to take her to her grandmothers house.  Along the way they connect and begin find the strength to confront the things that haunt them.

All hail Ivan Martin and Maddison Brown. Giving performances for the ages, the pair raise this film up to something truly special. Seemingly to inhabit their characters they make you forget that they are actors and in other films. I say this because when the film was done I had to see what else they had been in, and then I realized I had seen them in multiple films- but this film had wiped all of that away. Sure the rest of the cast is equally as good but Martin and Brown are on screen for the whole film and as such they grab us by the heart.

What I love about the film is that the story feels real. Normally films like this suffer in that you can feel the hand of the filmmakers who move everyone around to get the characters together and the plot moving. Here it just feels real.

I love this film. It's one the great finds of the year. Hell, it might also be one of the best films I've seen in 2024 as well. 

See this film. You will love it.

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