Friday, August 9, 2024

There's a Zombie Outside (2024) Popcorn Frights 2024

Small scale thriller concerns a young man on an outing with friends who begins to annoy his buddies by insiting that he is seeing a zombie just outside the window. They don’t see it of course.

What is going on is not what it appears or is it going to go how you think it will. What is happening is something else and as a result this is a nice little palette cleanse of film from your typical horror stuff.  When I saw this it was after literally three festivals of heavy genre choices. I didn’t want a film that followed the well worn paths of horror and suspense, so when I started this gem of a film and found it taking it’s own path I was delighted. I knew I was going to see something where I wasn’t going to have figured it all out ten minutes in.

Watching this at home I paused the film went to get some popcorn and then came back and curled up on the couch,.

Is THERE A ZOMBIE OUTSIDE going to shake the pillars of heaven? No. But it will entertain, which having slogged through too many weak horror/thrillers of the last few weeks is more than enough to make me recommend this.

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