Friday, August 2, 2024

The Code (2024) Fantasia 2024

If films are supposed to shine a light on humanity, this is a world I want no part of. Full of unlikable and self-centered  people this film has me feeling that if it represents any portion of humanity I would seriously wish that a giant meteor would come and wipe us all out.

The plot has a couple who have stopped sleeping with each other and that something wrong with their relationship. She begins to make a documentary with him at the center, while he puts up closed circuit cameras to protect himself from whatever she is up to. Things become complicated when some of their friends get married.

This is a film that is very focused on how it was filmed. Images with in images, internet and apps, everything you can think of is used here. Shot to shot the framing changes. It's so frequent that it distracts from the story.

This might have worked but the couple at the center of this mess are not really people we connect to. They are the amped up characters that tend to inhabit certain types of comedies these days. While we don't have to like the people we follow we can't think they are such incredible jerks that we are instantly hate them.

The problem with them is that the film never answers the key question of why are they together? I have no clue. This is a problem with a lot of recent romance recently. Filmmakers over the last year seem to have forgotten how to create characters with chemistry. There is none here. They throw mismatched types at us and tell us it's cute. It troubled me that they are so wary of each other that they have to film things for insurance. Why stay with someone like that?

The fear of meeting horrible people like this is why I am single

On top of everything else I don't know why we seeing  certain things. I'm not a prude, but things like some of the internet/app images don't need to be there Yes some is to provoke a reaction but at the same time the film should on creating characters and situations that feel even semi-real.

I really disliked this film.

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