Friday, August 16, 2024


I go into most films at festival kind of blind. I don’t want to read on them extensively. I just want to have an idea that I want to see them. With  THE CEREMONY IS ABOUT TO BEGIN I read the festival description and then let it fall out of my mind. When I sat down to watch the film a few days later I was five minutes in and was thinking to myself that “hey this is a really good documentary”.

Then it changed and I realized this wasn’t a documentary but a really good mockumentary/horror film.

The film is nominally about a weird cult based around ancient Egyptian beliefs but where it goes is unexpected, though not so much because, well mummies. It follows the comings and goings of members and how the belief system changes. It’s a wild ride that hooks you at first because it’s so well done you believe it, and then once things go weird because you don’t know where it’s going to go.

Say what you will it’s one of the great thrill ride films of Popcorn Frights that get bonus points for making you really think about the weird cults like Scientology that people join.

Highly recommended.

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