Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Bunker (2024) Popcorn Frights 2024

Scientist is put in a bunker  deep in the earth all alone in order to work on a biological weapon to fight an alien invasion. However there are complications such as the aliens being able to scan for location.  As time goes on things begin to seem not what she was told.

This alien invasion story, is for the most part, a tense little thriller. It’s a film firmly grounded in a world of it’s own devising. This is thanks to a some truly wonderful visuals which set the mood and the place. It also score highly by never slipping into a place where we are certain how it will all turn out.

This is a film that you can get a bowl of popcorn and beverage and hunker down on a rainy Saturday.

I do want to give you a bit of a warning, because of the nature of the film, most of the character interaction is on screens and it’s largely in one location, the film can seem a little static.  Realize it going in and you’ll be fine. I suspected that was going to be the case and I just went with it. If you want a big film with big epic panoramas you are going to be disappointed.

Ultimately THE BUNKER is a neat little scifi tale and recommended.

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