Sunday, August 11, 2024

THE BUILDOUT (2024) Popcorn Frights 2024


THE BUILDOUT is a one of a kind.

The film is the story of two friends dealing with a shared grief who decide to bike through the desert before one of them goes to  join a religious order… but in actuality it isn’t and it’s so much more. The film is more a mental and psychic journey that mirrors the journey of the women on screen.

I am going to assume that when you watch THE BUILDOUT you are going to sit and give yourself over to the film. I’m going to hope that you see it in a darkened theater or room with no distractions. I say that because the film is very deliberately put together. The POV shift from objective to subjective, from standard  cinematic presentation to found footage and back again. This is a trip of a film that you need to go on from start to finish  with out taking any side breaks or looking away.

I’m not going to say a lot about the film not because it’s bad, but because while the film does ponder friendship, loss and moving on, as well as several other themes and subjects (religion, aliens), I found the one discussion I had about the film ended up not just discussing the film and it’s topics but our own feelings and our own lives. The discussions focused on how the film kicked up feelings and made us fell in regard to our own lives. The discussion was a give and take and not just a statement of “fact”.  Because of this I’m not going to “review” the film but point you to it. You need to see it and experience it and discuss it and how it effects you with other people who’ve seen it.

Films like THE BUILDOUT are why cinema is a social pursuit.

Highly recommended

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