Saturday, August 3, 2024

Sunburnt Unicorn (2024) Fantasia 2024


While traveling across the desert a father is arguing with his son, Frankie. As a result they end up in a bad car crash When Frankie wakes up, having been thrown from the car he has a large piece of glass in his head making him look like a unicorn. Frankie’s father is gone, he wandered off to get help according to a turtle that was cut in half by the crash.  Deciding to help his dad Frankie heads off to find him.

Strange animated film could only work as an animated film. There is no way anyone would believe the odd turns and semi-dead characters as a live action film. At the same time this mix of survival and philosophy is so unique that I’m not sure who this film is really for, I mean the philosophical musings are going to blow over the head of the preteen set (not to mention parents being wary about a turtle character dragging itself along slowly dying with its intestines hanging out). and the  older kids are not going to go for the measured pace. Who is this film for? I don’t know.

It's not a bad film. I like it. At the same time I’m not sure what I’m supposed to make of it because it just is doing its own thing. Its so its own thing I don’t know how to explain it, I mean it’s like a normal movie, but it isn’t.

Basically it has me tongue tied as I search for words to adequately explain it.

As a one of a kind cinematic experience I love that the film exists, as will anyone who is a long time reader of Unseen Films, but I’m going to be hard pressed to see this playing any where other than festivals like Fantasia.

Highly recommended for those who want to go off the well worn cinematic paths.

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