Sunday, August 18, 2024

Quadrant (2024) Premieres on August 23rd, on Amazon Prime, Full Moon Features, and Tubi.

QUADRANT is the name of a VR helmet designed to help people overcome their fears and phobias. Things go wrong when a girl named Erin, with a pathological obsession with Jack the Ripper is triggered to become the ripper.

This is an entertaining little film.

If you are a decades long fan of the Full Moon films of Charles Band you will know that this is exactly like many of their films, small little genre films that operate in their own world (don’t think too much about the plot) that move along at a good clip and leave you smiling at the end. Sure they may not rock the pillars of heaven but they stick with you as part of a body of work that was the perfect accompaniment to a big bowl of popcorn.

For me this is the sort of B movie that we don’t get any more. It’s a film with no aspirations beyond being a good time.  This a throw back to the days when the golden age of the drive-in moved to home video and producers like Roger Corman and Samul Arkoff were replaced by Charles Band.

While I could quibble about the plot mot emaking sense in a few places, there really is no point because the whole thing is just so damn fun you don’t care.


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