Friday, August 30, 2024

Planet B (2024) Venice 2024

Ten years in the future a bunch of activists disappear and are transported  to a far off wold called Planet B

Feeling a film made by people who really don't understand either science fiction or political films PLANET B is full of over used science fiction and dystopian world political views. It's a film that is operating in a world that raises more questions than it answers. It is a film that feels like any number of other better films.

I'm not really going to talk about this film much owing to the fact that when we got to the denouncement, which, I kind of suspected early I simply screamed at the screen. It was a scream that was repeated when one character stated out loud what what was going on well after we knew.

While not a bad film, the truth is this should have been a B scifi film without pretensions and running a half an hour shorter.

A miss.

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