Monday, August 12, 2024

OLD WOUNDS (2024) Popcorn Frights 2024

Kind of a found footage film has a filmmaker and his girlfriend going to see her family and running into a stranger along the way and everyone films each other as the past gets kicked up.

I’m still trying to sort out what I feel about this film. It’s a kind of sort of found footage film of the sort I don’t like (where people film things no one would film) and part of it is a film that uses the conceit to make things more real. It’s a film where the performances drift depending upon the type of scene it is (drama, thriller, ect). It’s a film that is trying to examine relationships and our pasts and at the same time be a scary movie.

It's a film that wonderfully is trying to juggle a bucketful of balls of style and themes – and it manages to keep many of them in the air while at the same time it’s letting a bunch of them crash. It’s a film that works and doesn’t but always remains intriguing.

Frankly OLD WOUNDS is a film I need to revisit before I can really know what I think.

My uncertainty aside there is enough going on here that it’s worth a look for the curious film fan.

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