Saturday, August 31, 2024

My Everything (Mon Inséparable) (2024) Venice 2024

Mother of a mentally changed young man has her world and her relationship turned on it’s head when she discovers her son not only has a girlfriend, another challenged young woman he works with, but he has gotten her pregnant.

Solid drama about a family in flux and how “normal” people see those who are challenged. It’s a film that makes clear that people are people regardless of how we see them.

Kudos to the cast who sell this film. What could have been a by the number or hackneyed affair is instead something wonderful and moving.  To be perfectly honest I wasn’t sure what I thought of the film or how much I liked it until we got to the final scene and the last shot and found myself getting misty. It’s a stunner and worth the ride.

Highly recommended.

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