Saturday, August 10, 2024

MEXICO 86 (2024) Locarno 2024


Director Cesar Diaz tells a story based on his own life about a woman who is forced to leave her son with her mother because she has to flee the country because of her anti-government activities. Ten years later, she returns to take her son back after her mother is diagnosed with terminal cancer. 

This is is a film that will sneak up on you and leave you teary. The final shots broke my heart. This is a wonderful look at the love of a mother for her child and the things that they sometimes have to do to keep them safe.

This maybe one of the most perfect films I've seen. Everything works from top to bottom, with the cast all worthy of Oscars or any other acting award you can think of. Yea there are highs and lows, but it's all part of the rhythms of the tale. 

I was going to just try the film to see how it was and then the next thing I knew the end credits were rolling and I was mopping tears.

That's a rave.

One of the most unexpected and wonderful cinematic discoveries of the year.

See this film

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