Monday, August 26, 2024

Merchant Ivory (2023)

Stephen Soucy‘s look at the filmmaking pair of IsmailMerchant and James Ivory.  A collection of clips, interviews and behind the scenes footage it takes us into the lives and work of the filmmakers in a way that opens up our eyes to their films and makes us want to go back and watch their films again.

When this film world premiered at Doc NYC last year I ran into director Soucyoutside the theater. He was pacing around nervously worried his screening was going to fail. I had no idea who he was and we fell into a brief conversation. When I discovered who he was I began to gush se condhandedly because all of my friends had seen the film prior to that nights screening and were insisting that I see the film.  Now that I’ve seen the film I understand why people were speaking so highly about it. It really is a wonderful film.

To be honest the only thing that is remotely wrong with the film is that the timing of the release close to the film on Powell and Pressberger so even though this film is as good as, and wonderfully completely different, than that film it may suffer in some people’s minds.

This is wonderful film and a must see, especially if you love cinema.

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