Sunday, August 18, 2024

LORE (2024)

LORE tells the story of a group of friends who go into the woods in order to tell ghost stories.  Once they are at the spot their host tells them to tell the scariest story they know.

The wrap  around story is called campfire and it sets everything up, though it’s sting ties into one of the stories.

Shadows is a solid little thriller about a man who is being pursued by collectors of a debt. He takes them into a not so deserted ware house. It’s a nice beginning to the film.

Hidden Woman is a haunted house tale about a mother and son moving into a new house. It has some truly creepy moments

Cross Your Heart follows a couple who get involved with swingers a small remote inn. It’s a creepy folk horror tale.

Key Chain Man  is the final film. It’s a meta exercise as a serial killer is loose in a multiplex. Its good but a little too jokey for my tastes.

I really enjoyed LORE. While the segments are not all the same level of good, they all are good, which is rare. They are all close enough in quality that you don’t get whiplash while watching it nor is there going to be a segment you skip when you rewatch the film.


Lore will be available to stream exclusively on the IFC Channel from 26th August, in Select UK Cinemas from 27th September and then available on Home Entertainment from 21th October

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