Friday, August 16, 2024

Fugue (2024) Edinburgh 2024

A Saor returns the body of his lover Valentina to the small village in the mountains they were from for burial. Along the way he has to face the trail of violence that the rebel group Shining Path has carved through the country.

Told with non-actors all telling stories based on their own lived FUGUE is a film of quiet power. Close to being a documentary, the trappings of the narrative form keep it from falling across that arbitrary line.

This film is best seen with no distractions, with your full attention focused on the screen. I say this because I started to watch the film and twenty minutes in I realized this wasn’t working for me. I was going to restart with nothing around me. The result was night and day. The measured pace of the film, the dream trip up into the Amazon  hooked me and the film stopped being a film but a trip with Soar to a place where he could deal with his grief. It wasn’t just a movie but a trip where we get to commune with all of the people on the screen.

There is both not a lot  going on  and a great deal. It’s a film where what we are seeing is not as important as the weight of everything that has gone before. The past is not gone but still living and producing ripples in the moment at hand. We are all scarred by what happened before and those scars influence what we are doing now.

As I said above this with is a film of quiet power- it is a silent earthquake that moves your soul via the accumulation of life’s events.


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