Sunday, August 11, 2024

Foul Evil Deeds (2024) Locarno 2024

Richard Hunter moves into feature films with an anthology of seemingly good people doing bad things.

While this is a feature, and the stories are intercut so drag all the stories out, the truth of it is FOUL EVIL DEEDS kind of feels like a bunch of shorts. While they can pass as being related thanks to Hunters‘s style the fact is that these are all standalone stories.

To be honest this film didn’t really work for me. The low key presentation, due to the film  wanting to show that these bad acts are just part of life, and the mannered way some of the scenes play out make it hard to really connect to the events on screen. Additionally everything is shot in a similar style so we don’t always slip effortlessly from one tale to the next.

In fairness I’m not a big fan of director Hunter‘s short films so moving to a feature was a struggle for me. Additionally I’m not really a huge fan of people doing bad things to other people.

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