Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Ry Levey looks at preserving and collecting films, in particular B and independent films of all sorts.

In a year which has had two films on films that are going to be in my best of the best list for the year, there is now going to be a third. This look at film lovers and the boutique is magnificent. It not only speaks about the process of saving and collecting films, but it also speaks volumes about why people love these and any they are so important. As is made clear by several people,  seeing the B and inde films  of the past is  getting to see a vast array of view points that are unique and different. It’s not the same point of view, but something different from each filmmaker.

On a personal level this film is celebration about why I love the movies. It’s a glorious emplanation of what makes the films not just important but so damn entertaining and eye opening.

I can’t really say much about the film, I have no notes, other than this truly is one of the best films of 2024 and one of the best films on films I’ve seen.

Highly recommended.

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