Monday, August 12, 2024

BIRTHRITE (2024) Popcorn Frights 2024

Two women expecting their first child go to the house in a small town in the county left to them by one their aunts. As they settle in things begin to take a turn for the worst.

Creepy small town tale is the sort of thing that may put you off moving some time rural any time soon. If you live in some place rural this film may make you consider moving away. On the other hand it’s clear from films like this no matter where you go weird things are happening.

I’m not going to lie and tell you that you haven’t seen a story like this before, odds are if you are a horror hound you have, but at the same time the film is so well done you won’t care.  Seriously the tension and sense of dread is almost physical.

Perhaps the biggest rave I can give BIRTRITE is that had this film come out in the 1970’s it would have played unendingly at the drive-in and would have been a cult classic.

Highly recommended.

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