Friday, August 16, 2024

Ariela Rubin on The Good Half (2023) which opens today


The Good Half stars Nick Jonas as Renn, a writer who struggles to face his emotions upon having to return home to Cleveland for his mother’s funeral. On his way to Cleveland, he befriends a girl named Zoey on the plane. The film goes back in time through Renn's memory of times he shared with his mother. This film is about Renn trying to face his grief, dealing with his family, as well as spending time with his new friend, Zoey.

The director Robert Schwartzman stated, "My hope was to make a film that could walk the fine line between heart and comedy; dealing with a tragic situation yet being honest by adding the levity that comes along with these complex experiences and family dynamics". I really feel that the film did exactly what he hoped it would do.

I loved this movie. I've never seen Nick Jonas in anything, but thought he did a really good job! I thought this film did a nice job of having good humor (I laughed outloud several times), as well as emotional and moving moments. (I got teary-eyed several times as well.) I really hope this film gets attention so that more people can see it. Really really liked it 

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