Monday, August 12, 2024

ALL ALONE TOGETHER (2024) Popcorn Frights 2024

A filmmaker with a questionable grip on reality has his horror films start to intrude into his life.

I really didn't like this film much. The problem is that Lincoln, the main character is more than bit odd. He is a guy who is a bit too in his own head and his own world which makes the intrusion of his fantasy world into his reality making  perfect sense. He's so disconnected from reality that everything that follows is more or less a foregone conclusion.

The problem of having a main character who is already nuts when the film starts rarely works.  The problem first became noticeable to me was in the film FALLING DOWN. The Michael Douglas' character was billed as being a regular guy, but the truth was he wasn't wrapped too tight going in. He was in fact already broken as the film started. While Lincoln isn't that broken he is close and it's clear there is a problem. When we get films like this I find it hard to connect because it isn't watch a regular person, it's instead gawking at a person breaking apart. 

I'd take a pass but I have read some reviews that loved this. If you do see this stay past the first ten minutes, the film opens with scenes from Lincoln's film and it's not very good, however what follows is worth trying.

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