Monday, July 22, 2024

Tiki Tiki (1971) Fantasia 2024

Restoration of a 1971 animated film that mixed animated sequences about the executives in an ape run world (remember Planet of the Apes was huge when this was made) and mixed it with a Soviet children's film Aybolit-66, that was a Doctor Doolittle rip off to tell the story of a filmmaker making a film about humans sailing to Tiki Tiki to rescue apes and fight pirates. It's all dubbed to play like a WHAT'S UP TIGERLILY film.

This is a painful viewing experience to thanks to the really awful Soviet footage. It's so bad I can't imagine Rifftrax, The Mads or MST3K ever touching this. Yes, well over an hour of Aybolbit-66 was removed but what remains is so WTF as to be near unwatchable. It appears to have been inserted randomly.

This might have worked but the studio messed it up. In reading on the film, it was clear the studio didn't know what they wanted and waffled as to whether to make this for kids or make it for the midnight films crowd, or as one person said the kindergarten set or stoned high schoolers. The lack of knowing who the audience was going to be made it a film for no audience.

Avoid this turd at all costs.

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