Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Old Man and the Demon Sword (2024) Fantasia 2024

THE OLD MAN AND THE DEMON SWORD is a just over an hour long joy,  It’s not deep and meaningful. It’s a bit clunky, but at the same time it’s entertaining as all hell.

The film has an old guy, who some call delusional getting a demon infused word from a neo templar who is tasked with using the blade to rid the world of demons. The pair become friends.

Not operating on the biggest financial budget OLDMAN… has a over abundance of heart. Filled with actors who sell the craziness on the screen, its film that over comes any and all questions about quality with force of will and charm. I was simply delighted to be watching the film and when it was done I watched it again.

This is not high art, this is get a bucket of popcorn and beverage of choice and enjoy sort of a film.


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